at the drop of a hat (immediately and without stopping to think) They fell in love with each other at the drop of a hat. You can’t expect me to move my home at the drop of a hat.
Read More »Ways to say ‘What?’
What Ways to say ‘What?’ Eh? What’s that again? What do you mean? Could you repeat that? I beg your pardon? Could you say it again? What did you say? Did you say something? I did not get it? Can you say that again? What’s that? I didn’t understand …
Read More »imminent vs. eminent
imminent (about to happen) One of the five minarets is in imminent danger of collapsing. According to the radio, a storm is imminent in this area. eminent of a person (famous, respected, or important within a particular sphere) He is an eminent scientist. We are expecting the arrival …
Read More »whenever vs. when
whenever (at every time when) You can come here whenever you want. Whenever she leaves the house, she locks the door. when (at the time that; during the time that) Call me when you get home from work. I was about to go out when the phone rang.
Read More »run out
run out (to finish or use all of something so that there is no more left) My food supply is about to run out. Our car ran out of gas three miles back. (to come to the end of the period of validity, expire) My passport is about to …
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