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Words Antonyms
a lot a little
abate intensify, increase
able unable
abortive successful, fruitful
about exactly
above below
abridge lengthen, expand
absent present
abundant scarce
accept decline, refuse
accidental intentional
accurate inaccurate
achieve fail
adequate insufficient
admire despise
admit Deny, reject
adorable hateful
adore hate
advance retreat
advanced elementary
advantage disadvantage
affirmative negative
against for
agree disagree
alike different
always never
ancient modern, recent
antonym synonym
apart together
appear disappear, vanish
approve refuse, disapprove
approximately exactly
arrest free
arrival departure
arrive leave, depart
arrogant modest, humble
artificial natural
artificial natural
ascend descend
ask reply
ask answer
attack Defend, protect
attractive boring
attractive repulsive
awake asleep
awesome bad
Words Antonyms
bad good
back front
beautiful  ugly
before after
beginning end
behind in front of
below above
best worst
best worst
better worse
birth death
bitter sweet
bless curse
blunt sharp
boring interesting
borrow lend
bottom top
bound untie, separate
boundless limited
brave cowardly
brief  long
bright  dim
broad narrow, limited
buy sell

American vs British English

Words Antonyms
careful careless
capable incapable
capable incapable
capture free
cautious reckless
cheap expensive
cheerful sad, dreary
child adult
clean dirty
clear vague, cloudy
clever Stupid, foolish
clockwise counterclockwise
close far, distant
close open
clumsy adroit
cold hot
combine separate
comedy tragedy
comfort discomfort
comfort discomfort
common rare
complete incomplete
complex simple
compulsory optional
conceal reveal, confess
construction destruction
contract expand
cool warm
correct incorrect, wrong
crazy sane
Words Antonyms
dear unbeloved
damage repair
dangerous harmless, safe
dark bright
dawn dusk
decline accept
decline increase
deep shallow
definite indefinite
delicious awful
delicious awful
descendant ancestor
descent ascent
dictatorship republic
difficult easy
dim bright
discourage encourage
divide unite
domestic foreign
domestic foreign
downwards upwards
dreary exciting, cheerful
drunk sober
dry wet, moist
dwindle flourish
Words Antonyms
early late
east west
easy hard
effective ineffective
efficient inefficient
emigrate immigrate
empty full
enough inadequate
enslave emancipate
enter exit
entrance exit
ephemeral long-lived
even  odd
evil good
exhale inhale
expand shrink, contract
expensive cheap
external internal

American vs British English

Words Antonyms
false correct
far near
fabulous ordinary
fail succeed, pass
fair foul
fake real
famous unknown
fast slow
fast slow
fat Thin, slim
feeble strong
few many
find lose
firm flabby, soft,
flaccid firm
float sink
fold unfold
foolish wise
forget remember
forgive resent
fortunate unfortunate
forward backward
forward backward
free busy
free occupied
frequent occasional
frequently occasionally
fresh stale, old
friend  enemy
frown smile
full empty
funny  serious
Words Antonyms
gentle unkind, brutal
general particular, Special
generous meager, stingy
genius stupidity
gentle violent
gentle brutal
giant tiny
give  take
glad dismayed
go come
gorgeous uninteresting
grant refuse, deny
great little, small
grow shrink, decline
grownup child
guest host
guilty innocent
Words Antonyms
happy sad
habit disinclination
handsome ugly
hard easy
harmless dangerous, harmful
harvest plant
hate love, enjoy
healthy unhealthy, sick
heat cold
heavy light
help hinder
high deep
high low
hilly flat
honest dishonest
honest dishonest
hopeful desperate, Hopeless
horizontal vertical
hot cold
humane cruel, inhumane
humanity inhumanity
humble proud
humid dry
hungry full
hurt heal
Words Antonyms
import export
ignite extinguish
ignominy glory
ill healthy
illegal legal
illegal legal
impress disappoint
in out
inception conclusion
include exclude
increase decrease, reduce
independent dependent
innocent guilty
inside outside
inspire depress
install remove
intelligent Unintelligent, stupid
interesting  boring, dull
intrepid fearful
Words Antonyms
junior senior
join separate, leave
joke humorless
jolly miserable
joy misery
justice injustice
justice injustice
justify disprove
keen reluctant
keep spend
kickoff end
kind cruel, unkind
knowledge ignorance
known unknown
Words Antonyms
large small
land take off
land water
landlord, landlady tenant
last first
late early
laugh cry
lawful Illegal, unlawful
lazy diligent
lazy industrious
lead follow
leader follower
learn teach
leave arrive, come
left right
legal illegal
lend borrow
lengthen shorten
less more
let prevent, forbid
light dark
light heavy
like dislike
likely unlikely
liquid solid
little big
little much, plenty
lively listless
lock unlock
long short
loose tight
lose win
loser winner
lost regain
loud quiet, soft
love hate
love hate
low high
loyal disloyal
luck misfortune
Words Antonyms
magic awful
major minor
make destroy
male female
marry divorce
master servant
mature immature
maximum minimum
maximum minimum
melt freeze
mend break
merry sad
mess order
messy neat
minority majority
modern ancient
morality immorality
more  less
Words Antonyms
nadir zenith
narrow wide, broad
nasty nice
natural artificial
near far
near distant
neat messy, untidy
need optional
negative positive
nephew niece
next previous
nice unpleasant
night day
noisy silent, quiet
normal Abnormal, strange
north south
Words Antonyms
odium affection
often seldom
old new
old young
omnipotent impotent
on off
open close, shut
opponent supporter
opposite same
optimistic pessimistic
optimistic pessimistic
outstanding mediocre
Words Antonyms
part Whole
pass stop
pass fail
patient impatient
patient impatient
pause continue
peace war
permanent temporary
plentiful scarce
polite rude
possible unlikely, impossible
potential impotence
poverty wealth
power inability
powerful weak
praise criticize
praise castigate
pretty ugly, plain
private public
prudent imprudent
pure polluted, impure
push pull
Words Antonyms
qualified unqualified
qualify disqualify
quick slow
quiet loud
quit stay
raise lower
rapid slow
rare common
real unreal
real fake
rear front
recall forget
refuse agree
regret satisfaction
relax tense
rich poor
right wrong
right left
rough gentle
rough smooth
rude polite
rural urban
Words Antonyms
safe insecure, dangerous
satisfied discontented, unhappy
scatter gather, collect
second-hand new
second-hand direct
secure insecure, loose
send receive
shallow deep
sharp blunt
shiny dull
shout whisper
shrink grow
simple difficult, complex
skinny fat
small big
smooth rough
sober drunk
soft hard
soft hard
spend save
start end
start finish
strengthen weaken
sunny cloudy
sure unsure
sweet sour
Words Antonyms
talent inability
talkative taciturn
tall short
tame wild
taut slack
teach learn
thick thin
tie untie
tight loose
tiny huge
top bottom
tough soft
tough easy
true false
truth lie
Words Antonyms
unity division
under over
unfold fold
unimpressive impressive.
unique common
unite divide
unity division
unknown known
unsafe harmless, safe
up down
uplift lower
upside down right side up
upstairs downstairs
urban rural
useful useless
useful useless
Words Antonyms
vacant occupied, full
vague clear, certain
valid invalid
valuable worthless
vanish appear
variety uniformity
vast tiny
vast tiny
victory defeat
virtue vice
visible invisible
visible invisible
visitor host
Words Antonyms
war peace
waste save
wax wane
wet dry
whisper scream
wide narrow
win lose
winner loser
wise foolish, Stupid
wise stupid
within outside
worthy unimportant
wrong right
yield withhold, resist
young old
zenith nadir
zip unzip

American vs British English,

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