

  • A
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  • Q
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  • V
  • W
  • XYZ
back the wrong horse

back to square one

back to the drawing board

back to the salt mines

bad apple

bad egg

badger someone

bag of tricks

balance the books

ballpark figure

banana republic

bare your heart

barking dogs seldom bite

barking up the wrong tree

be as bald as a coot

be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed

be crazy about

be the brains behind

bean counter

bear fruit

bear hug

bear market

bear something in mind

beard the lion in his den

beast of burden

beat a dead horse

beat around the bush

beat someone’s brains out

beat your brains out

bed of roses

beef up

bell the cat

bent out of shape

beyond question

best of both worlds

best thing since sliced bread

bet on the wrong horse

bet your bottom dollar

better late than never

better part of

big bucks

big cheese

big fish

big fish in a small pond

big gun


bigger fish to fry

believe it or not

bird has flown

bird of passage

bird’s eye view


birds and the bees

birds in their little nests agree

birds of a feather

bitch and moan

bite of the cherry

bite off more than you can chew

bite the bullet

bite to eat

bite your tongue

bitten by the bug

bitten by the same bug

bitter fruits

black sheep

blank check

blast from the past

bleeding heart

bless your heart

blessing in disguise

blind as a bat

blow (someone’s) brains out

blow your mind

boggles your mind

bone to pick with

brain dead

brain drain

brain trust



bread and butter

break a leg

break bread with someone

break someone’s heart

break the back of the beast

breed like rabbits

bright side

bring home the bacon

bring/call to mind

bull in a china shop

bull market

bull session


bunch of baloney

burn a hole in your pocket

burn to a crisp

busy as a beaver

busy as a hibernating bear

butter someone up

butter wouldn’t melt in one’s mouth

butterflies in your stomach

by a whisker

by heart

by hook or by crook

by the book

call it a day

call it a night

call of nature

call of the dogs

can of worms

can’t cut the mustard

can’t hold your liquor

can’t boil an egg

carrot and stick

carry a torch

cash and carry

cash cow

cash on the barrelhead

cast a spell

cast your mind back

cast pearls before swine

cat and dog life

cat and mouse game

cat burglar

cat got your tongue

cat on a hot tin roof

cat’s meow

catch my drift

catch your breath


caught short

chalk and cheese

champagne taste on a beer budget

change horses in midstream

change of heart

change someone’s mind

change your mind

charley horse

chasing your tail

cheap as chips


cherry pick

chew the cud

chew the fat

chicken and egg situation

chicken feed

chicken hearted

chicken out

chief cook and bottle-washer

chip on your shoulder

chomp at the bit

clean a as whistle

clean slate

clear as a bell

clear as day

clear as mud

clear the decks

close barn door after horse bolted

close to your heart

cock and bull story

coffee table book

cold cash

cold fish

cold hands warm heart

cold hearted

cold turkey

come and get it

come out of your shell

come to mind

compare apples and oranges

cook someone’s goose

cook the books

cook up a storm

cookie cutter

cooking on gas

cool as a cucumber

coon’s age


cost a pretty penny

cost an arm and a leg

couch potato

count sheep

count someone in

count someone out

crack the whip

crash a party

cream of the crop

crocodile tears

cross my heart

cross your mind

cry over spilled milk

cry wolf

cry your heart out

cuckoo in the nest

cudgel your brains

cudgel your brains

curiosity killed the cat

cut and dried

cut corners

cut the crap

cut through like a hot knife through butter

cut your loses

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