visit (to go and spend time in a place, or with a person): When did you visit London? He came to visit us. see (to spend time with or meet with): I’m here to see an old friend. call on (to visit someone for a short time): I will call on my parents in the …
Read More »rite vs. write
rite (a ceremony that is always performed with a set of fixed words and actions) Before becoming a full member, you must undergo an initiation rite. The body may be buried after the funeral rites have been performed. write (to mark letters or numbers on a surface with …
Read More »less vs. fewer
less used with uncountable nouns (not very much, to a smaller degree) This car uses less fuel than earlier models. I spend less time reading than I used to. fewer used with countable nouns (a smaller number of) At this time, there are fewer cars on the road. …
Read More »staying power
staying power (the ability to continue doing something difficult until it is finished) The team has shown fantastic staying power. He has the staying power to study all by himself.
Read More »have feet of clay
have feet of clay (to have a bad quality in your character) No one is perfect; all human beings have feet of clay. He was surprised when he discovered that his hero had feet of clay.
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