recent (that occurred or started a short time ago): This is a recent edition of the newspaper. new (created or having started to exist recently): I have their new album. latest (the newest or most recent): Our computer labs are equipped with the latest technology. modern (relating to the present time …
Read More »in stitches
in stitches informal (laugh uncontrollably) The joke had the guests in stitches. He was in stitches, but I wasn’t amused at all. The movie kept me in stitches from beginning to end.
Read More »cook up a storm
cook up a storm informal (to prepare a large amount of food) Get ready to cook up a storm for the party. My wife was in the kitchen, cooking up a storm.
Read More »get up
get up (to get out of bed after sleeping) I usually get up early. She never gets up before eight. (to make someone get out of bed) Get me up at 6:30, will you? I have to get the kids up for school. (to stand up) She got up …
Read More »get out
get out (to leave a room, building, vehicle, etc.) Get out of my house, or I’ll call the police. She got out of the car to survey the damage. American English, spoken (to become known; leak out) We must not let the truth get out and cause a scandal. If …
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