encourage (to give someone support, confidence, or hope): My father encouraged me to apply for the job. cheer (to make someone feel happier or more hopeful): We were cheered by the news. uplift formal (to make someone feel happier or more hopeful): The quote uplifts me when I am discouraged. hearten (to …
Read More »beyond question
beyond question (completely certain; not in doubt) I believe what she says, her honesty is beyond question. We knew beyond question that this was no accident. envocabulary.com
Read More »out of the question
out of the question (not possible and therefore not worth discussing) Going out in this stormy weather is out of the question. I had no money, so it was out of the question for me to buy a new car. envocabulary.com
Read More »flue vs. flu
flue (a pipe or channel that takes smoke, gas, etc. out of a building) We need to install a metal flue for the furnace. The smoke won’t go out because the flue is blocked up. flu [formal: influenza] (an illness like a very bad cold that causes fever, pain, …
Read More »stair vs. stare
stair (one of the steps in a set of stairs) He was sitting on the top stair. We need to go up four flights of stairs. stare (to look at someone or something in a steady way) It’s rude to stare at a girl. What is he staring at? envocabulary.com
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