put back (to return something to where it belongs) You must put back everything you have taken. He put the money back in his waistcoat pocket. UK (to move to a later time or date) We had to put the wedding back a month. envocabulary.com
Read More »put forth
put forth formal (to suggest an idea, opinion, plan, etc. for consideration) I would like to put forth some ideas that may be helpful. He put forth a new peace plan on June 8. (to use energy for a particular purpose) We put forth all our energy to win …
Read More »luck
luck (the force that seems to cause good things to happen to you): I wish you luck in your new career. fortune (luck and the way it affects your life): Fortune is smiling on me these days. chance (the force that causes things to happen without being planned or caused by …
Read More »out of place
out of place (not comfortable or suitable) She feels out of place in such a large organization. Her clothes were out of place at such a formal party. (not in the correct place) When we came back home, everything was out of place. I do not like things out of place. envocabulary.com
Read More »out of order
out of order (not working (properly)) The elevator is out of order, so we’ll have to take the stairs. My watch was out of order but is functional now. (not in order) Don’t get out of order. Please stay in your places in line. The book’s pages were out of order. …
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