walk (to move on foot at a regular pace by placing one foot in front of the other): Let’s walk home. The baby is learning to walk.
stroll (to walk in a slow, relaxed manner, often for enjoyment): They were strolling along the river.
saunter (to walk in a slow, relaxed way without hurry or effort): Mike sauntered into the hallway.
amble (to walk at a slow, leisurely pace, usually for enjoyment): We enjoy ambling along the riverbank.
stride (to walk quickly with long steps, especially in a determined manner): She strode out of the room.
march (to walk with regular steps in a determined, confident, or angry manner): The soldiers marched 30 miles. Jane got up and marched out of the office without saying a word.
pace (to walk across the same space again and again, especially due to nervousness): He was pacing back and forth in the room, waiting for the phone to ring.
stomp (to walk with heavy or noisy steps, especially out of anger): Lucy stomped angrily up the stairs.
tiptoe (to walk quietly on your toes so that no one hears you): She tiptoed silently out of the room.
wade (to walk in or through shallow water): We had to take off our shoes and wade through the river.