understand (to know, be aware of, or become aware of): Most people here understand English. I don’t really understand the situation.
get informal (to understand): I just don’t get what you mean. Oh, now I get the point.
see spoken (to understand or realize): I see what you mean. Ah, now I can see why you were so serious about it.
comprehend formal (to understand): often used in negative statements: We couldn’t comprehend your message.
grasp (to understand something difficult): Children are to grasp new concepts.
follow (to understand a lesson or explanation, etc.): I couldn’t follow what she said.
take in (understand and remember): I could hardly take in what the instructor said.
catch on (to understand or learn something): You’ll catch on to the job after a few weeks.
make sense of (to understand something that is complicated or has no clear meaning): Can anyone make sense of this poem?