ring vs. wring




(a circular piece of jewelry that you wear on your finger)

  • She was wearing a wedding ring.

(to make a sound) 

  • The telephone was ringing all day.
  • I rang the doorbell several times, but no one answered.

(to surround, or form a circle around)

  • Armed forces ringed the building.



(to twist and squeeze something to get the water out of it)

  • Wring the water out of your bathing suit and hang it up.
  • She wrung a wet jumper and put it on the line to dry.

spoken (you say it when you are very angry with someone)

  • If you do that again, I’ll wring your neck.

(to obtain something from someone with a lot of effort)

  • They managed to wring the truth out of him.
  • She is always trying to wring out every bit of my savings possible.




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