take issue with formal (to disagree with) There are a few points that I have to take issue with. Two of the members chose to take issue with the plan. envocabulary.com
Read More »empathy vs. sympathy
empathy (the ability to share and understand another person’s feelings) A little empathy leads to a lot of understanding. She shows empathy when others are in trouble. sympathy (the feeling of being sorry for someone who is experiencing misfortune) We all have great sympathy for the victims of the earthquake. I’m sorry …
Read More »childish vs. childlike
childish (typical of a child; silly and immature) It may be childish, but I love playing bumper cars. Stop this childish behavior; you’re a grown man now. childlike (having the good qualities of a child, such as trusting people, being honest, etc.) She has a childlike quality that I …
Read More »pick out
pick out (to choose someone or something from a group) Will you help me pick out a jacket to go with this skirt? I picked him out to represent us at the meeting. (to recognize someone or something from a group) Tony was so tall that it was easy to pick him …
Read More »pick apart
pick apart (to find flaws in someone or something) I don’t want you to pick apart everything I do. Don’t pick apart someone else’s private life. Let’s focus on John’s fine points instead of picking him apart. envocabulary.com
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