muscle (pieces of tissue within the body used to produce movement) I pulled a muscle in my back trying to lift the freezer. These exercises strengthen your muscles. mussel (a small shellfish with a soft body inside a black shell with two parts that close tightly together) Remove the mussels from their …
Read More »empty out
empty out (to remove all the contents of) Please empty out your locker. It’ll take some time to empty out all the drawers. (become empty) The bar had emptied out at 11.30.
Read More »dumb down
dumb down (to simplify; to make something easier to understand) He was trying to dumb down the scientific language so that everyone would understand it. We need to dumb down the book for kids.
Read More »obvious
obvious (easy to see, notice, or understand): The answer is perfectly obvious to me. clear (obvious and leaving no doubts): It was clear that he was lying. crystal clear (very easy to understand): The truth was crystal clear to everyone. apparent formal (easy to see, notice, or understand): It became apparent that we …
Read More »worth your while
worth your while (beneficial and not a waste of your time) It would be worth your while to study English. If you help me, I’ll make it worth your while, I promise. I’ll do the job if you make it worth my while.
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