deprecate vs. depreciate deprecate (to express strong disapproval of) I don’t mean to deprecate your accomplishments. We love peace and deprecate war strongly. depreciate (to lose value over time) New cars depreciate as soon as they are on the road. The euro was depreciated against the dollar. deprecate …
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deprave vs. deprive deprave (to make or be morally bad or evil) This book would deprave young children. I think he is either mad or depraved. deprive (to prevent someone from having or using something) Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all they have. Good night, John. …
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depart vs. deport depart (to leave or go, especially on a journey) The plane will depart at 8.30. We depart from Hawaii at five o’clock in the afternoon. deport (expel someone from a country) The government deported him for illegal entry. The refugees were deported to their own nations. …
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denounce vs. renounce denounce (to declare something wrong or evil publicly) The project was denounced as a waste of time and money. He denounced the government’s handling of the crisis. renounce (give up on something) We renounced our old way of life. He renounced the throne in favor of …
Read More »demur vs. demure
demur vs. demure demur (disagreement or refusal) He accepted without demur. The students demur to too much homework. demure (quiet, serious, and well-behaved) She is very demure and sweet. Sometimes you need to be demure. demur vs. demure – English Vocabulary
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