above the salt (in a more honored position) Although your boss is above the salt, he still treats everyone in a very friendly way. When there is a meeting, he always sits above the salt. above the salt – English Vocabulary
Read More »bone to pick with
a bone to pick with (a disagreement to discuss with) I have a bone to pick with him because he was really messy and never cleaned up. I’ve got a bone to pick with you. Why are you so late every day? a bone to pick with – …
Read More »bite to eat
a bite to eat (a small meal, something to eat) I’ll pull off at the next stop to grab a bite to eat. Let’s have a bite to eat before we go out. bite to eat – English Vocabulary
Read More »bite of the cherry
a bite of the cherry British and Australian (an opportunity that isn’t available to everyone) If Lucy hears about this new profitable investment, she definitely wants a bite of the cherry. Don’t worry; if you work hard, you can get another bite at the cherry next year. bite …
Read More »banana republic
a banana republic (a poor country with a weak or dishonest government) Years of war turned our country into a banana republic. One day, this widespread corruption will turn the country into a banana republic. banana republic – English Vocabulary
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