birds and the bees (the fact about sex and reproduction) Some parents never tell their children about the birds and the bees. I will tell you all about the birds and the bees tomorrow. – English Vocabulary
Read More »bird has flown
bird has flown (the person you are looking for has escaped or disappeared) I don’t think you can find him here. The bird has flown. The police surrounded the area in the middle of the night, but the bird had flown. – English Vocabulary
Read More »Common nouns
Common nouns are nouns that you use to name people or things in general rather than specific ones (e.g., woman, city, dog, money, month). Common Noun Proper Noun state Michigan city New York company Samsung, Sony month February ocean Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean mountain Everest, Denali Types of …
Read More »big fish in a small pond
big fish in a small pond (an important person in a small group or organization) In our company, Doctor Gomez is a big fish in a small pond. (someone who is important but only in a small group or organization) Colin was a big fish in a small pond here, …
Read More »bet on the wrong horse
bet on the wrong horse (support a person or action that ultimately fails) I don’t want to bet on the wrong horse, but I think Jimmy is a better candidate. I think you bet on the wrong horse by investing your money in the stock market. – English Vocabulary
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