hoard vs. horde hoard (a secret store of something valuable) They keep a huge hoard of food in the basement. Police have discovered a hoard of stolen goods while searching the house. horde (a very large crowd) Hordes of tourists arrive here every summer. There was a horde of people inside …
Read More »hail vs. hale
hail vs. hale hail (to call someone or something) He hailed us from across the street. Can you hail a taxi for me? (small ice balls that fall like rain) It was hailing, so we didn’t go out. The sun came out, and the hail melted. hale (strong; …
Read More »Present Perfect tense
We use the present perfect tense to talk about a past action or event that has an effect on or connection with the present. It doesn’t show the exact time in the past, but the present result is important. I have eaten lunch. She has learned to speak English. …
Read More »clean slate
clean slate (a record without any errors or bad deeds) He will get promoted because of his clean slate. (to start over regardless of past mistakes or bad deeds) We are trying to forget our past quarrels and start again with a clean slate. envocabulary.com
Read More »clear the decks
clear the decks (to remove unnecessary things so that you can start doing something more important) I decided to clear the decks and start my own business. The company is clearing the decks for a major change. They have cleared the decks for the wedding. envocabulary.com
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