Modal verbs Modal verbs are helping verbs that follow their own rules, and express ability, permission, advice, obligation or possibility. ability/inability: Can, Could I can speak fluent English. Jim could read Latin when he was 10. request/offer: Can, Could, May, Would, Will Can I use your phone? [informal] Can I help …
Read More »hold off
hold off (to delay or postpone something) I have to hold off on the rent until the landlord fixes the central heating system. You can buy a car now or hold off until prices are lower.
Read More »jot down
jot down (to make a quick note of) Let me jot down your phone number so that I can call you. Let’s jot down a list of the things we need for the picnic.
Read More »understand
understand (to know, be aware of, or become aware of): Most people here understand English. I understand the instructions now. get informal (to understand): I just don’t get what you mean. Oh, now I get your point. see spoken (to understand or realize): I see what you’re saying. Ah, now …
Read More »back to square one
back to square one informal (to start all over again with no progress, to start from the beginning) I have to finish this job without going back to square one. If you make a mistake, you are back to square one. Our plan had gone wrong, so we had to …
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