make ends meet (to have enough money to buy things that you need; earn enough money to live on) I work a part-time job to earn enough money to make ends meet. It was not possible to make ends meet on his small salary.
Read More »impress
impress (to make someone feel admiration and respect): She impressed me with her sincerity. dazzle (to impress or surprise someone greatly): He dazzled us with his knowledge of the world. take someone’s breath away (to make someone feel admiration and surprise): The beauty of the valley took my breath …
Read More »magnate vs. magnet
magnate vs. magnet magnate (a very rich and successful person) He is a financial magnate. She married a famous petroleum magnate in Texas. magnet (a piece of metal that attracts objects made of iron or steel) Pick up all the pins using a magnet. (a person or thing that attracts people …
Read More »meat vs. meet
meat vs. meet meat (the flesh of an animal that people cook and eat) Jane chopped the meat into small pieces before cooking it. I think this meat is not fresh. meet (to see and speak to someone) I’ll meet you after work. I met an old school friend at the airport. [more …
Read More »Mach vs. much
Mach vs. much Mach /mɑːk/ (a unit for measuring speed by comparing it to the speed of sound) The goal was to fly at Mach 2, or twice the speed of sound. The maximum speed of this new fighter is Mach three. [Three times the speed of sound] …
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