speak up (to express your opinion freely) If you have a better idea, please speak up. They decided to speak up for better working conditions. (speak louder; raise your voice) Could you speak up? The people at the back of the room can’t hear you. You’ll have to speak up. …
Read More »like
like definition like verb (to enjoy something): I like swimming. She likes Mexican food. (to find someone pleasant, agreeable, or attractive): I really like Jim. She is nice; you’ll like her. (to want; wish for): Would you like a cup of tea? You can come with us if you like. …
Read More »foot the bill
foot the bill (to pay the bill; pay for something) Her father footed the bill for her education. Let’s go out for lunch. I’ll foot the bill. You will have to foot the bill for the repairs. envocabulary.com
Read More »top dog
top dog informal (the most important person) He was the top dog in this organization for five years. John is top the dog, and he is in control of the project. Who is the top banana in this office? Also: top banana envocabulary.com
Read More »keep an eye on
keep an eye on (look after, watch over) Jane will keep an eye on the children until I get back. I’ve asked a neighbor to keep an eye on my house while I’m away. envocabulary.com
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