vote down (to reject by voting) A majority of House members voted down the proposal. They decided to vote down the dam project.
Read More »veer off
veer off (to change direction) The driver fell asleep while driving and veered off the road. All of a sudden, the missile veered off course.
Read More »vamp up
vamp up (to improve or repair) They have vamped up the design. He can vamp up shoes and old boots in such a design that you would not know them.
Read More »keep down
keep down (to keep something at a low level) The government should do more to keep prices down. I walk to work because I want to keep my weight down. Keep your voice down; I’m trying to sleep. (to stop someone from being successful or happy) The soldiers are …
Read More »keep back
keep back (to not go near) Keep back from the edge of the cliff; it isn’t safe. They erected a barrier to keep back the crowds. (to not tell something) I am sure he is keeping something back. I will not keep back anything from you. (to hide your feelings) She …
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