bake (cook things such as bread or cakes by dry heat): I bake bread every day.
toast (make bread or other food brown by putting it near a high heat): Toast the bread lightly on both sides.
fry (cook in hot oil or fat): Fry the onions until golden brown.
roast (cook meat or vegetables by dry heat): I’m going to roast the chicken.
grill (cook food on a metal frame over a fire): Grill the meat for 20 minutes each side.
broil (cook food directly over or under extreme heat): I’ll broil the steak.
barbecue (cook food over low and slow indirect heat): Let’s barbecue chicken and ribs.
boil (cook food in water that is boiling): We want to boil some potatoes for dinner.
steam (cook food in steam): Steam the vegetables for 10 minutes.
poach (cook food slowly in hot water): I’ll poach vegetables in chicken broth.
bake Synonym,