habit synonyms habit (something that you do regularly sometimes without thinking): He has some very bad habits. practice (something that you do regularly to improve your skill or ability, or as a habit): You’ll get better with practice. It is his practice to walk 10 miles a day. routine (the things …
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go (to move or travel from one place to another): Let’s go home. This plane goes to Paris. head used with an adverb or preposition (to go in a particular direction): After lunch, she headed for the door. Our ship is heading for Miami. travel (to go from one …
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walk (to move on foot at a regular pace by placing one foot in front of the other): Let’s walk home. The baby is learning to walk. stroll (to walk in a slow, relaxed manner, often for enjoyment): They were strolling along the river. saunter (to walk in a slow, …
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understand (to know, be aware of, or become aware of): Most people here understand English. I understand the instructions now. get informal (to understand): I just don’t get what you mean. Oh, now I get your point. see spoken (to understand or realize): I see what you’re saying. Ah, now …
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tired (feeling that you want to rest, needing rest): I was really tired after so much walking. exhausted (very tired): This long journey exhausted me. weary (very tired): I need to rest my weary eyes after a long day at the computer. spent formal (very tired and with no energy): …
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