pull apart (to separate into pieces) The hungry lions pulled the deer’s body apart in no time. (to separate two people who are fighting) They were fighting, so I tried to pull them apart. envocabulary.com
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do in (to make very tired) Working all day really did me in. (to kill) Obesity and overeating finally did him in. (to ruin or destroy) The fire did his business in after it burned down his storehouse. envocabulary.com
Read More »do away with
do away with (put an end to; get rid of) We decided to do away with the old customs. (to kill) The robbers did away with both watchmen. He was mentally ill, and the doctor was afraid that he would do away with himself. envocabulary.com
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bring about (cause, make happen): The internet brought about great changes in people’s leisure activities. The economic reform will bring about major changes in the lives of many people. envocabulary.com
Read More »pull ahead
pull ahead (get in front of) She pressed the gas pedal and pulled ahead of the truck. (move into a leading position) Obama has pulled ahead of his rival in the election polls. She will soon pull ahead of the other students in his class. envocabulary.com
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