stick around informal (to stay in a place or near a place) Stick around here; we may need your help. You can go. I’ll stick around until they arrive. I told him to stay, but he didn’t stick around.
Read More »jump in
jump in (to interrupt someone; to join a conversation) If you have any questions, just jump in. Don’t jump in with an objection. Let him have his say.
Read More »hold on
hold on hold on (to keep holding) My little son held on to my hand as I tried to leave. (wait) Hold on a moment; I’ll just get my cellphone. (keep going; endure) It was difficult, but we managed to hold on to the last.
Read More »go off
go off (to leave a place): He went off in search of some food. (to happen in a particular way): The party went off all right. (stop working): The central heating goes off at night. The lights went off. (to explode, blow up): Three people were killed when the …
Read More »grow up
grow up (to gradually change from being a child to being an adult) I grew up here; I know this place like the back of my hand. Our children have grown up now and have children of their own. grow up! spoken (behave in a more responsible way) …
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