jazz up (to make something more interesting, attractive, exciting, lively, etc.) I want to jazz this place up with a new decoration. The party is very dull. Let’s jazz it up. This sauce will jazz up your food. envocabulary.com
Read More »jam on
jam on (to put your foot on the break suddenly and forcefully in order to stop your car) A rabbit suddenly appeared in the middle of the road, and I had to jam on the brakes. The car skidded on the ice as the driver jammed on the brakes. …
Read More »hold up
hold up (to remain in the same condition) I hope this hot weather will hold up for a couple of days. Prices have held up well the whole year. (to support; bear the weight of) Six massive concrete pillars held up the roof. This chair is too weak to hold him up. (to delay or stop the progress …
Read More »jack up
jack up (to lift a car off the ground with a jack) Jack up the car so you can change the flat tire. The driver jacked up his car to change the wheel. jack up informal (to increase prices, rates, etc. by a large amount) Once the tourists arrive, …
Read More »jabber away
jabber away (talking quickly and continuously in a way that is impossible to understand) She is on her phone, jabbering away in French. He jabbered away, trying to distract my attention. envocabulary.com
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