Phrasal verbs Phrasal verbs A B C D E F G H I J K L M P R S T V W XYZ account for act as act for act on act out act up add in add on add to add up aim at answer back answer for answer to ante up ask about ask after ask around ask for ask in ask out ask over atone for auction off back down back off back out back up boil away boil over break away break down break even break free break in break loose break off break out break through break up break with bring about bring along bring around bring back bring down bring forth bring forward bring off bring on bring up build up burn up button up call after call around call away call back call down call for call in call off call on call out call up carry on carry off carry out catch up check in check out cheer up chip away chip in chop up chuck out clean up clear off clear up come about come across come along come around come back come by come in come off come out come over come up come up with come with crop up cut across cut away cut back cut down cut in cut into cut off cut out cut through cut up decide on do away with do down do for do in do out do over do up do with do without dress down dress up drink up drop back drop by drop in drop off drop out dumb down ease up eat in eat into eat out eat up egg on embark on empty out end in end up even up face up fall down falling down farm out fawn over feed back feed off feel for feel out feel up feel up to fend off fill in find out follow up gear up get across get after get ahead get along get by get in get off get on get out get over get through get up give away give back give in give off give out give up go back go off go on grow up hand back hand down hand in hand out hang around hang back hand over hang in hang on hang out hang over hang up have on head out hold off hold on hold up ice down ice up identify with impact on invite in invite out iron out issue forth jabber away jack up jam on jazz up jerk around jog along join in jot down jump in keep after keep at keep away keep back keep down keep from keep off kick off look after look ahead look around look at look back look down look for look forward to look in look into look on look out look over look through look up make after make away with make for make of make off make out make up map out mash up mess around mess up move on move out pass away pass by pass on pass out pass over pass through pay up pick apart pick out pick up plug in pull ahead pull apart pull aside pull away pull for pull back pull at pull down pull in pull off pull on pull out pull over pull through pull together pull up punch in punch out put aside put away put back put down put forth put in put off put on put through put up rack up rattle on round up run across run around run away run down run off run on run out run over see off set about set aside set against set apart set back set down set forth set in set off set on set out set up show off show up shut up skip out slip into slip off slip on speak up step aside step down step in step up stick around take aback take after take along take a part take away take back take down take for take in take off take on take out take over take up talk down to talk over talk up tell apart think of think over throw on try on turn around turn away turn down turn in turn into turn off turn on turn out turn over turn up vamp up veer away veer off veg out vouch for vote down vote in vote out wait on wait up wake up warm up watch out watch over weed out wind up wipe out write down write in work against work around work at work away work in work off work on work out work over work through work towards work up wrap up x out yearn for yield to zero in zero out zip up zonk out zoom in zoom off zoom out Phrasal verbs – English Vocabulary