grizzly (large brown bear) A grizzly is not a social creature. Grizzly bears live in North America and parts of Russia. grisly (causing great fear or disgust) It was a grisly story. The police were investigating a grisly murder.
Read More »censure vs. censor
censure formal (to criticize strongly and publicly) We cannot censure him until we know all the facts. The manager censured him for not reporting the problem. censor (to remove parts of a book, movie, etc. that are considered offensive, politically dangerous, or morally harmful) The Ministry of Defense censors the …
Read More »come by
come by (to find or get something) Jobs are not easy to come by these days. How did you come by all this money? US English (to visit a place for a short time) I’ll come by this afternoon and get all my stuff. Come by my house after work, and …
Read More »come up
come up (to occur or present itself) I have to go; something urgent has come up at home. Opportunities like this don’t come up every day. Our vacations are coming up soon. (to be mentioned or considered) The question didn’t come up before our marriage. The subject of salary increases …
Read More »useless
useless (of no use, not functional or practical): The information was entirely useless to us. Without electricity, computers are useless. futile (having no effect or result; unsuccessful): The government made futile attempts to combat corruption. to no avail (without result or success; for nothing): I searched everywhere to no avail. pointless …
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