aim at (to point a weapon towards) She aimed at the target and fired. The gun was aimed at target two but hit the target three. (intend to achieve something) The government must aim at economic growth and price stability. We aim at improving your English skills.
Read More »joke
joke (to say something to make people laugh, usually something that is not true): They laughed and joked during the meal. Don’t be upset; I was only joking. kid informal, spoken (to make a joke or say things that are not serious or true): Relax guys, I was only kidding. jest …
Read More »make a long story short
make a long story short (say it in just a few words) So, to make a long story short, I loved her, and I married her. To make a long story short, I didn’t miss the flight.
Read More »off the hook
off the hook informal (out of trouble or difficulty) If you do it again, I won’t let you off the hook so easily. Mike is trying to help her get off the hook.
Read More »pedal vs. paddle
pedal (a lever that you press with your foot to make a bicycle, car, or machine move, work, or stop) His feet can barely reach the pedals of his bike. Press the accelerator pedal to speed up and the brake pedal to stop. This sewing machine operates using a …
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