How Are You? Ways to ask, “How Someone Is”. How are you? How’s the family? How are you doing? How you been? How have you been? How you doing? How’s your family? How’s it going? What’s going on? How was your day? Are you doing OK? What’s happening? What’s new …
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ask synonym. ask (tell someone in the form of a question that you want them to do or give something): If you want something to eat, just ask me. request formal (ask for something politely or officially): If you want to take photographs, you have to request permission. seek formal …
Read More »Respond to Thank you
Respond to thank you Ways to respond to “Thank you.” You are welcome. Don’t mention it. It was nothing. My pleasure. Not at all. Not a problem. Glad to help. It’s my pleasure. It was the least I could do. I’m happy to help. That’s OK. That’s alright. No problem. …
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answer (something that you say, write, or do to react to a question, letter, telephone call, etc.): She sent an answer to my letter after a few days. reply (say, write, or do something as an answer to somebody): We asked why, but they gave no reply. response (a spoken …
Read More »Tired
exhausted Ways to say “tired.” After working two shifts back-to-back, she felt totally spent. Go and pour yourself a drink, Amelia. You look whacked. I’m bushed. I think I should go to bed early. We were exhausted after the long trip home. I need to rest my weary eyes after …
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