brain dead (mentally exhausted and unable to think normally) If you don’t get enough sleep, you’ll be brain-dead in the morning. (very stupid or careless) How can you have a conversation with such a brain-dead person? brain dead – English Vocabulary
Read More »blow (someone’s) brains out
blow (someone’s) brains out (kill with a shot in the head): Put your gun down, or I’ll blow your brains out. He was cleaning his shotgun when he accidentally blew his brains out. blow brains out – English Vocabulary
Read More »account for
account for [phrasal verb] (to form a particular part of something): Teenagers account for the vast majority of our customers. (to explain the cause of something): How do you account for the sudden disappearance of the files? (to be the cause of something): HIV accounted for over 20,000 deaths …
Read More »Adam’s ale
Adam’s ale (water) I would like just a glass of Adam’s ale. They say Adam’s ale is the best brew. Adam ale – English Vocabulary
Read More »career vs. carrier
career vs. carrier career (a job or profession that a person does to earn a living) He pursued a career in business. In 1990, she started her legal career. carrier (a person or company that carries something) I want to call a baggage carrier to help me. The …
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