Countable nouns are for things you can count using numbers. They have singular and plural forms. Singular plural a man two men a dog three dogs a pen four pens a room five rooms a foot two feet Words that you should use only with countable nouns “a/an, few, …
Read More »tempest in a teapot
a tempest in a teapot (a lot of anger or worry about something that is not important) They are continually quarreling, but it is usually a tempest in a teapot. I think the media are making a tempest in a teapot over this issue. – English Vocabulary
Read More »a slice of the pie
a slice of the pie (a share of the available money or benefits) Our company made big profits, and we will get a slice of the pie in the form of an annual bonus. We made little profit this year, so each business partner will get a smaller slice …
Read More »warm as toast
as warm as toast (pleasantly warm) It was freezing outside, but I was as warm as toast in front of the fire. I was in a sleeping bag and was warm as toast. – English Vocabulary
Read More »Abstract nouns
Abstract nouns are nouns that you use to name things you cannot see, touch, taste, hear, or smell. Let there be peace on earth. He has a fear of heights. It’s my 36th birthday. Different types of abstract nouns Feelings pleasure, fear, pain, stress, satisfaction, sympathy Emotions joy, …
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