have in mind (to be thinking of, plan, or intend to) Is there anything you have in mind to eat for dinner? I have in mind to ground my son for a week for playing truant. envocabulary.com
Read More »have a one-track mind
have a one-track mind (think about one thing all the time and nothing else) John has a one-track mind. All he ever talks about is business and making money. You have a one-track mind, and that will leave you with very few options. envocabulary.com
Read More »have an open mind
have an open mind (be willing to consider new ideas or opinions) You should have an open mind to understand the topic. The plan doesn’t seem to be fruitful, but I’ll keep an open mind for the moment. envocabulary.com
Read More »have a mind like a steel trap
have a mind like a steel trap (have a very quick and understanding mind) Daniel has a mind like a steel trap; he can memorize most things easily. You need to have a mind like a steel trap to do this kind of work. envocabulary.com
Read More »have half a mind to
have half a mind to (to think about doing something) You have been rude to me, kid, and I have half a mind to report you to your parents! I’ve got half a mind to come with you to the party tonight. envocabulary.com
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