pull through (to survive a serious illness, operation, etc.) She’s very ill, but we hope she’ll pull through. (to succeed in dealing with a tough situation) It’s very difficult, but I’m sure we’ll pull through it together. envocabulary.com
Read More »cool as a cucumber
cool as a cucumber (very calm and relaxed) Yoga and meditation will help you be as cool as a cucumber in times of trouble. We must keep as cool as a cucumber, as if nothing had happened. envocabulary.com
Read More »cook the books
cook the books informal (change financial records to get money illegally): The accountant had been cooking the books, and the firm had been losing money for years. They blamed two officials for cooking the books, and this caused the company to collapse. envocabulary.com
Read More »cooking with gas
cooking with gas informal (performing a difficult task quickly or efficiently) The project was a little slow at the beginning, but now we’re cooking with gas! With the new computer system, Jake was cooking with gas. He finished the project in half the time. envocabulary.com
Read More »with all your heart
with all your heart (with all your strength, energy, or deepest feelings) He is trying with all his heart to please them. Do what you feel in your heart to be right and do it with all your heart. envocabulary.com
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