pull someone’s leg (make someone believe something that is not true, usually as a joke) I think he was just pulling your leg. Tim was just pulling your leg. He won’t do that. Don’t pull my leg. I know you won’t tell them the secret. envocabulary.com
Read More »call off
call off (stop something planned; cancel) The weather is bad, so we may call off our trip. They called off their engagement at the last minute. envocabulary.com
Read More »flat as a pancake
flat as a pancake (very flat, without mountains or hills) There are high peaks covered with snow in the north, while in the south, the land is as flat as a pancake. Holland is flat as a pancake; there are no mountains. envocabulary.com
Read More »fig leaf
a fig leaf (something that is used to hide an embarrassing fact or situation) They claim that the NGO’s humanitarian aid is just a fig leaf, and its real purpose is to make money. The amendment is just a fig leaf to cover up the corruption scandal. envocabulary.com
Read More »eye candy
eye candy informal (something attractive to look at but not useful or important) That piece of furniture at the garage sale was nothing but eye candy. Eye candy describes something that looks really good but does not serve a useful purpose. envocabulary.com
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