feel out informal (to ask someone’s opinion about something in an indirect way) Let me feel out my parents and see if they’ll let me go out with him. Why don’t you feel him out about letting you have the car? envocabulary.com
Read More »feel for
feel for (to feel sympathy for; be sorry for) I really feel for people who suffer from health problems. I’ve had a similar unhappy experience myself, so I do feel for him. envocabulary.com
Read More »jog
jog definition jog (to run slowly and steadily, especially for exercise): I jog four miles a day. (to push or shake lightly, nudge): I accidentally jogged her elbow, and she spilled her drink. jog along phrasal verb (to continue or move along slowly and steadily): Things are jogging along quite …
Read More »fly off the handle
fly off the handle informal (to become very angry) She always flies off the handle when people disagree with her. There’s no need to fly off the handle. I’ll pay for the damage. envocabulary.com
Read More »no spring chicken
no spring chicken (no longer young) Jane is over 40 years old. She is no spring chicken. He must face up to the fact that he is no spring chicken anymore. envocabulary.com
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