iron out (to deal with problems or find solutions) We meet once a week to iron out any problems. You need to iron out your disagreements first. Let’s keep talking until we iron out our differences.
Read More »full house
full house (place with no empty seats) Where there’s a good movie on, it’s always a full house. The group performed their new play before a full house. (three cards of a kind and a pair) He won the poker game with a full house.
Read More »dress up
dress up (to wear your best clothes or formal clothes) She was dressed up for the party. We have to dress up for work. (to put on a special costume for fun) Mike dressed up as Santa Claus. He wants to dress up as a clown.
Read More »shut up
shut up spoken, not polite (stop talking; make someone stop talking) Just shut up and listen to me. The man talks too much. Can you shut him up?
Read More »moral vs. morale
moral vs. morale moral (principles of what is right and wrong) Some people today seem to lack morals. We have a moral obligation to help each other. (something you learn from a story or experience) The moral of the story is, “never give up”. morale (the amount of …
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